
Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Åsikter

Av Sandra - 15 februari 2014 10:38

Michael Sam, lovande spelare i amerikansk fotboll, har gått ut med att han är homosexuell. Den 23-årige försvararen, som spås bli tingad av ett NFL-lag i draften i maj, kan därmed bli den första öppet homosexuella spelaren i NFL:s historia.

– Jag förstår hur stort det här är. Ingen har gjort det tidigare och det är nervöst, sade han i en intervju med sportkanalen ESPN i söndags.

Sam vill vara öppen med sin läggning, som redan varit känd för lagkompisar och tränare i laget.

"Vi beundrar Michael Sams ärlighet och mod", skriver ligan i ett pressmeddelande.


Av Sandra - 15 februari 2014 10:26

– Vi förtjänar att uppleva kärlek fullt ut, utan skam och utan kompromisser.

– Jag är trött på att gömma mig och jag är trött på att ljuga genom att inte berätta vem jag är. Jag har lidit i flera år, eftersom jag var rädd för att komma ut.


Av Sandra - 14 februari 2014 19:15


Läs mer om Bonnie & Clyde HÄRBonnie och Clyde

Av Sandra - 10 februari 2014 20:30

Taylor Swift’s Gay Boyfriend/s | BLIND GOSSIP

Taylor Swift’s Gay Boyfriend/s

For as long as gay men have been making names for themselves in showbiz, there have been fiercely famous beards by their side.

A perfect accessory for any self-loathing gay celebrity, the “beard” by definition is “any opposite sex escort taken to an event in an effort to give a homosexual person the appearance of being out on a date with a person of the opposite sex.”

Rock Hudson had one, Liberace had two, and there’s no doubt closeted gay Hollywood is chock-full of them cough today. Perhaps the most famous (and certainly the most obvious) modern gay beard is country star Taylor Swift, a beard so highly revered and profitable she’s been considered by some to be Hollywood’s first Power Beard.

But even though she’s dated nearly every male celebrity with a face, not one of Swift’s previous boyfriends has ever come out of the closet. She’s had so many relationships, it’s plausible to believe at least one of them was purely for show, right? So which one is it?

Swift dated JoBro heartthrob Joe Jonas back in 2008, before he was hot. He revealed last year that they never actually had sex, probably because Taylor refused to whip and penetrate him.

Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner most likely just exchanged makeup tips and boy gossip during their three-month relationship in late 2009. The brief stint ended after she broke up with him, inspiring one of her only “apology songs.”

John Mayer is probably, most definitely, not gay. The singer briefly dated Swift in 2009/2010 before he settled down with Katy Perry, who definitely doesn’t play the beard game.

Jake Gyllenhaal allegedly prefers “tits and ass,” but we’re still secretly hoping his brief 2010 relationship with Swift was a sham. She may not want him anymore, but we certainly do!

Swift took a dip in the Kennedy family gene pool for three months in 2012, when she dated 18-year-old Conner Kennedy. They broke up after three months because they “lived too far apart.”

If One Direction front man Harry Styles were gay, he’d probably just be openly gay. His one month relationship with Swift last year was likely just for kicks.

And there’s no need to imagine this iron-clad ally as one-half of a same-sex relationship, there are plenty of racy photos that’ll paint a pretty awesome picture for you.


Swift continues to deny allegations that she briefly dated Zac Efron last year. But the world would stop turning if we ceased speculation about Zac’s sexuality, so…

And finally, most importantly, Swift’s most recent sighting with rumored (but definitely “not“) gay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers. They’re not officially dating, and they’re definitely not fooling around, but was their recent night out simply Bearding in action?

Taylor’s gay boyfriend/s: Harry Styles, Taylor Lautner, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zac Efron & Aaron Rodgers

Av Sandra - 7 februari 2014 13:27

"Att få utöva idrott är en mänsklig rättighet. Alla människor ska ha möjlighet att utöva idrott, utan någon form av diskriminering och i den olympiska andan, som förutsätter ömsesidig förståelse, vänskap, solidaritet och rättvist spel." - Översatt av Google från den olympiska chartern

I dag då vinter-OS i Sotji invigs har Google laddat upp en logga med färgerna från regnbågsflaggan som är en symbol för HBTQ-rörelsen.

Under Google-logon finns även texten:

"Att få utöva idrott är en mänsklig rättighet. Alla människor ska ha möjlighet att utöva idrott, utan någon form av diskriminering och i den olympiska andan, som förutsätter ömsesidig förståelse, vänskap, solidaritet och rättvist spel." 

Utdraget kommer från den så kallade Olympiska chartern, som innehåller de grundläggande reglerna för den Olympiska rörelsen.

Google brukar kontinuerligt designa speciella loggor inför olika högtider och evenemang. 

Också brittiska Channel 4 manifesterar inför OS mot det hårdnande klimatet mot homosexuella i Ryssland. Kanalens vanligtvis svartvita logga byts i dag ut mot en regnbågsfärgad.

På torsdagen gick 200 välkända författare ut med ett öppet brev som fördömer den ryska lagen, enligt The Guardian. Bland författarna finns bland andra Günter Grass,Salman Rushdie,Margaret Atwoodoch JonathanFranzen.

I kväll klockan 18.14 finsk tid drar OS-invigningen i gång.
Inför OS-starten har det hållits protester världen över mot Rysslands lagstiftning mot "propaganda" för homosexualitet. En svensk protest, klippet där 2 000 personer sjunger ryska nationalsången på Stockholms stadion under vajande regnbågsflaggor, har visats över 450 000 gånger på Youtube.


Klicka här för att se själva:

Av Sandra - 6 februari 2014 20:00


It’s been a few hours, you’ve just been hanging there. You’ve been quiet, too quiet. Usually there’s music playing, or your foot steps could be heard. But today, you’re quiet. Your little sister, who doesn’t normally come to greet you because you lock yourself away, decides to see what you’re doing. She assumes you’re taking a nap, or doing some homework quietly. She runs up the stairs, eager to see, but she comes to an immediate halt. You’re not doing your homework, nor taking a nap. Your music isn’t playing and you aren’t walking around. You’re hanging there, completely still, now just like her. At this moment, her whole world shatters. Everything she has ever known, looked up to, loved, is hanging there by a thread. At this moment, her life has been changed forever. At this moment, she wishes she was hanging with you.

Before you decide to take your life, imagine who will find you. Imagine them walking into a room, and seeing you just hanging there. Whether it be your little sister, little brother, mother father, grandparents, a friend. Imagine what will happen when they find you. No, they will not say “Finally, they’re gone.” No, they will not say “I’m happy they did that.” No, they will not say “I never loved them anyways.” They will die. Their hearts will break. They will hurt, more than you ever could. They will cry, scream, and break down. They’ll believe it’s all just a dream, praying to wake up. Except, they won’t feel that for a few seconds, or a few days, not weeks, nor months. They will feel that until the day they die. Everyday will be hell. They’ll think of you ever second. They’ll hate themselves for not being able to help or save you. They’ll wish they could die too. They’ll want to give up, just to be with you. They won’t be ever be happy again. They won’t smile. They won’t go back to their daily routine. They’ll die every time they walk past your room, or see a picture of you, or think of a memory with you. They’ll think, but stay quiet. They’ll visit your grave, feeling a knife go through their chest every time. And every morning when they wake up, no matter how long it’s been, they’ll wake up to thinking they’ll see you, only to be let down once again. And every night, they will cry themselves to sleep, because even though they refuse to admit it, know you’re gone forever.

Before you decide to take your life, think of your family, burying you. Yes, your own mother and father are planning your funeral. It’s supposed to be the other way around, but it’s not. They’ll have to call the cops, sign a death certificate, pick out clothing, buy a tomb stone, a casket, pick out flower arrangements, and more; All for their child’s funeral. The morning of your funeral, everyone who loves you is wearing black. Tears are streaming down their face, while their heart is breaking. Everyone who you thought didn’t need you, or didn’t care, are waiting in line to see you. They aren’t waiting in line at a party, or a graduation, or at a wedding reception. They’re waiting to see you, hands folded, lifeless, in a casket.

Before you decide to take your life, think of everyone you will be hurting. Don’t you dare say no one, because absolutely everyone will be affected. Your grandparents, won’t have a grandchild anymore. Your parents, won’t have a child anymore. Your brother or sister, won’t have a sibling anymore. Your pet, won’t have an owner anymore. That person you sit next to in class, won’t feel your presence anymore. Your teacher, won’t have a student anymore. That time your grandparents told you no, will haunt them forever, thinking it is their fault, that you are now dead. That time your parents yelled at you, will haunt them forever, thinking if they didn’t yell at you, you would still be here. That time your sibling said they hated you, will hate themselves, because they believe you would still be alive if they said they loved you instead. Those kids who made you feel bad, will wish they were dead too, because if they just smiled at you instead, you would be here. That teacher that said you didn’t meet her expectations, will feel like a failure, because you would still be here, if she believed in you. Everyone, who has ever been in your presence, will hurt, because if they showed you they cared, you would still be here.

Before you decide to take your life, think. Don’t just think of yourself, think of the consequences for everyone else. No one’s life will be the same again. That person who God made specially for you, won’t have you. That happiness that was waiting for you, will never show again. Before you decide to take your life, realize that you may be ending your pain, but you’ll be starting a lifetime of everyone elses. - Suicide-Gifs

Av Sandra - 6 februari 2014 19:48

''Majoriteten av dom som tar sitt liv är killar.
Majoriteten av dom som går ut skolan utan fullständiga betyg är killar.
Majoriteten av dom som missbrukar droger är killar.
När kommer Aftonbladet skriva om killarnas situation men det är ju klart enligt Aftonbladet så tillhör killarna patriarkatet dom överordnade och varför ska man ägna sig åt ett sådant överklassproblem.'' - Michael Lilja


Always in my heart


Välkommen till Sveriges enda blogg om Larry Stylinson!

Jag heter Sandra och är 19 år, jag har ett stort intresse för människor och våra skillnader och likheter. 
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Sanningen om Larry Stylinson

Larry Stylinson - Är namnet för romansen mellan Louis Tomlinson och Harry Styles från One Direction. One Direction var med i X-Factor 2010 där de kom på tredje plats. Namnet kom från början när flera fans märke att Louis och Harry var närmare än de andra killarna.(Liam,Niall och Zayn) Först var det ett 'bromance' namn, att de bara var jättenära vänner men sedan började vissa av fansen märka att det fanns mer under ytan. Och då splittrades fandomen i två delar de som såg deras kärlek och de som trodde på lögnerna. Larry shippers kallas vi som såg, trodde och stöttade deras kärlek. 


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Catch My Breath 

En fantastisk bok som du behöver läsa om du är ett fan av One Direction så att du lättare ska kunna förstå deras liv.

Veckans Musik

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